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NDK is the latest artistic version of the juggler Endika Salazar Fontenla, in fact NDK are the consonants of his own name.

After almost ten years working and creating in Dikothomia Cía, Endika decides to start this new project with the same desire, delivery, quality and commitment as always; incorporating a more mature artistic vision and with a renewed concept of the "circus as a language", more studied and in accordance with its artistic intentions.

Through exploration, research and experimentation, especially with the manipulation of objects (juggling) and movement, which are fundamental premises in his creations, Seeking as a result to generate a scenic harmony based on a renewed and current circus dramaturgy.

Supported by a technical city, without moving away from virtuosity and risk, inseparable attributes of circus technique, but transformed into a vector of emotions, with the idea of creating a storyline where the public can be carried away by what they see on stage ... lively shows, both on one side and the other of the fourth wall.

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